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What does Kontor do?

We help growing companies find an office that helps their team do awesome things.

Need a new HQ to put down roots... 30 desks as a stopgap... an international hub? From leased spaces to fully-managed flexible options, we cover them all.

Let us take care of the process from start to finish. Figuring out your requirements to track down the office that’s right for you. Handling the hassle of organising viewings (then coming with you on the day). Tackling the negotiations.

We’re here to offer expert advice every step of the way, meaning you’re freed up to focus on what you do best. Nice!

Want to know more?

Let's chat! You can call us on +44 020 3770 4279 or email hello@kontor.com

Thinking of moving office?

We'd love to help you smash this awesome milestone.