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So you’re just another broker?

Technically what we do is similar to a broker or agent, but with a cherry on top - more like a matchmaker or office finder extraordinaire. 

Unlike other brokers who tend to stick with one type of space over another, we offer a joined-up approach covering every office under the sun. You want leased? Flexible? Serviced/Managed? Coworking? You name it, we can find it. 

And in terms of the experience, we genuinely seek to do things differently. People powered by tech, not the other way round. We’re dedicated to bringing you a high level of professionalism combined with a personal (and very human) service. Ensuring you get the perfect office space at the best possible price, no leaving you to it, expert advice all the way! 

We know it’s way too easy to make these claims on paper though. You be the judge! 

Rather hear it from our clients? Check out our Google reviews here.

Want to know more?

Let's chat! You can call us on +44 020 3770 4279 or email hello@kontor.com

Thinking of moving office?

We'd love to help you smash this awesome milestone.