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How quickly can Kontor find me a new office?

Short answer: it’s never too early to start looking.

The longer answer is that it depends what kind of office is right for you.

Need a fully-managed flexible office?  We recommend that you allow 1-3 months.  In theory, we can help find you a space in a matter of weeks (or even days)... but the less time you have, the more likely you’ll be forced to settle for leftovers, rather than the best picks of the bunch. Please do plan ahead if you want to make sure that your new home is right for you!

Need a longer-term lease on your own space?  As a rule of thumb, we always advise a minimum of 3 months. Ideally 6 months.  The timeframe depends on office size and other factors, but this is how long it generally takes to find the place, finalise all the negotiations, let the lawyers to do their thing, and for you to fit out your new home to your specifications. If half a year sounds like an eternity… keep in mind that the process of finding, securing and moving into a leased office involves lots of processes and legalities that a fully-managed flexible office doesn’t. And remember, you’ll need time to get the world wide web fired up (this alone can take weeks). Think cruising, not crash-landing!

So if you’re not sure yet which route you’ll want to go down, the sooner you can start your search, the better.

Want to know more?

Let's chat! You can call us on +44 020 3770 4279 or email hello@kontor.com

Thinking of moving office?

We'd love to help you smash this awesome milestone.