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Getting the best out of your office - capitalising on the provider Summer slow-down

Using the time to hone your workplace strategy 

As we embrace the sunnier months (and try not to jinx the weather), it's still go-go-go on the asset owner side of things, but office providers observe a slight slow-down in pace mostly due to Summer holidays or annual leave schedules.

Said slow-down can be hugely beneficial for tenants pre-planning tweaks to their existing workplace strategies, or even toying with an entirely refreshed approach before September comes around…

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// Value-driven opportunities 

By no means a sweeping generalisation, and negotiations are a standard part of the process regardless of the season, but patterns across previous Summers have shown office providers are sometimes open to offering workspaces at reduced rates, due to a calmer market.

Some will also be open to exploring rent-free periods until autumn to whet the appetite of companies looking to move. 

A value-driven approach to the workplace is welcomed all year-round, but when paired with current hybrid working patterns, it could mean the perfect time to commence a search if a change is on the horizon.

// Staying stimulated vs taking the leap 

The best time for an office move varies depending on numerous factors across your business and the wider market landscape, but when we look at notable spikes in interest throughout the year, September ranks pretty high.

Summer is one of the best times to commence that all-important planning, but the same applies if you’re looking to ensure the team stays stimulated in your existing workspace for a little longer. 

If your current office is viewed as more of a stepping stone within your roadmap, ask yourself: How long do you want to stay here for? And how can you utilise these weeks to get a feel of the current market, understand the direction everything is moving in, and use this to inform business growth plans?

If the time has come to revamp and refresh - especially if you’re in a longer-term lease - we can connect you with the right companies to get the ball rolling. 

// Getting first-dibs on prime spots 

The temporary lull that spans June-August means some of the most popular spots will be less in-demand, so the perfect opportunity to secure that dream office could be now… 

Several of the more established providers have been known to offer enticing deals on sought-after spaces during this time, too. Even more reason to start the search early, especially if the size of your business means factoring in a greater amount of time for sign-offs.

Take it from us - The world of real estate won’t come to a halt, but capitalising on the calmer period could prove hugely beneficial in the long-run, and saves precious time when everything ramps up again in September.

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By Jess Ward, Content Marketing Manager

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